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我们提供专家建议,并助您在多种可保障您家人、房屋和汽车安全的保险产品上节省。此外,会员可在我们屡获殊荣的房屋保险、自选汽车保险及卑诗省 #1 旅游保险节省高达 20%。
您可以在BCAA购买ICBC 基本汽车保险,同时,我们为您提供自选汽车保险的选择。我们的保险专家尽心尽力助您了解不同的保险选项,让您节省金钱,为您提供更周到的保障,或两者兼得。
BCAA 提供内容丰富的可负担、灵活和满足您个人旅游需求的客制化保险选项。
BCAA 保险专家将与您共同协作,了解您的需求并为您提供广泛的自选承保范围与优惠。
Click here to get started, it's quick and easy. We'll get someone out to you shortly.
*222 from your cell phone
1-888-268-2222 in BC
1-800-222-4357 in North America
Please Note: If you need a tow and also need a ride with one of our drivers, space is limited to one passenger. If you are experiencing any cold or flu like symptoms, we will ask you to wear a mask. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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