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British Columbia Automobile Association
2025 Annual General Meeting 

March 13th 2025

Welcome to British Columbia Automobile Association ("BCAA")’s 2025 Annual General Meeting (“AGM”). We are committed to holding a productive and orderly AGM and ask for your cooperation in observing the following rules and procedures.


By attending the AGM, each person agrees to abide by the following rules of conduct. These rules may be amended or supplemented from time to time by the Chair or Returning Officer of the meeting.

  1. The AGM will be run in accordance with the Societies Act, BCAA’s Bylaws, and Robert’s Rules of Order.
  2. The only business matters to be conducted at the AGM are the matters set forth in our Notice of Annual General Meeting to Members and will be taken up as set forth in the meeting agenda.  When an item on the agenda is before the meeting for consideration, discussion should be limited to that item.
  3. The Chair is responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of the business of the AGM. The Chair has broad authority to rule on all procedural matters including the appropriateness of all matters or questions raised and to rule out of order any matters or questions that (i) are not relevant to the business of the AGM; (ii) repeat a question or discussion that has already been addressed; or (iii) relate to personal grievances.
  4. Only BCAA Members in good standing (or their duly appointed proxyholders) are entitled to attend the AGM, submit questions or comments, and vote during the meeting.Such Members may submit a question or comment electronically, which if recognized by the Chair, may be addressed at the meeting or, due to time constraints, addressed in a public posting shortly following the meeting.
  5. The Chair also has the authority to control the amount of time spent on each question and to group, summarize and address any questions on the same topic or theme.
  6. Comments or questions must relate to the pending motion or the business of BCAA and should be kept brief (limited to no more than two minutes) so all Members who wish to participate have an opportunity to do so. A second question or comment by a Member on the same motion, will be addressed if time permits.
  7. The AGM is for the purpose of transacting the business of the  membership of BCAA. Issues of a personal nature will not be addressed during the meeting but may be referred to an appropriate BCAA employee or representative after the meeting. 
  8. To foster a safe and respectful environment that supports equitable participation, any behavior that disrupts the meeting’s orderly conduct, compromises safety and security or interferes with Members’ rights to participate will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal harassment, physical aggression, attempts to disrupt the meeting or a failure to comply with a Chair decision on procedural matters. Any Member or duly appointed proxyholder engaging in such conduct will be asked to leave the meeting.

Thank you for your participation and observance of these rules. If you have any questions about BCAA’s 2025 AGM, please contact BCAA’s Corporate Secretary at