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Lending a Hand

Paid volunteer time leads to inspiration and reflection on community strength.

Brent Cuthbertson
Senior VP & Chief Marketing Officer

Every week, volunteers buzz to and from a humble industrial building in East Vancouver, to deliver frozen meals and groceries to individuals and families who are living with HIV and co-existing illnesses and primarily homebound. A Loving Spoonful describes itself as being about food, love, hope and compassion – and that is certainly what I saw when I joined some colleagues to use our paid volunteer time to assemble and pack meals.

We each took a morning or afternoon shift. Our hosts were quietly inspiring and efficient as they told us more about their purpose and set us up to assemble as many meals as we could. We weighed, scooped, sealed and packed meals into individual trays and loaded up crates ready for delivery.

Our contribution was part of a remarkable effort that provides some 100,000 meals, groceries and dietician support each year to those in our community living with chronic, life-threatening illnesses – many of whom are isolated and dealing with several physical, mental and emotional challenges.


I’m so proud to be a part of an organization that is rooted in giving back to our province in every way we can.


Something about that day at A Loving Spoonful really stays with me. It was one of those times when you feel good about making a difference, and what stands out is how valuable and impactful your own time can be for your community. I know many team members volunteer regularly, and I think about the amount of good we can do together as a BCAA team – some 1,300 team members strong. I’m so proud to be a part of an organization that is rooted in giving back to our province in every way we can.

BCAA team members participated in donation-based initiatives in 2023

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