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Why do I need earthquake coverage?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is your concern about earthquakes? Our buildings feel sturdy. Nothing’s shaking or quaking. But here’s the uncomfortable truth: a major earthquake is one of the biggest risks we face as British Columbians. Here’s a few things to keep in mind.

We get lots of ’quakes already

Every year, Canada has 4,000+ earthquakes and over 3,000 of those are in BC. While most are undetectable, it’s important to be prepared for bigger quakes including ‘The Big One’ – a ‘megathrust’ earthquake predicted to hit in the future.

Our coast has the most

If you live on the Pacific coast (which is 3.2 million of us, about 63% of BC’s population), you should be prepared for an earthquake. The Lower Mainland and BC’s coastal regions are the most vulnerable to a high-magnitude earthquake. These regions are closest to major fault lines in the Cascadia Subduction Zone where the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate meets the North American tectonic plate. When the plates suddenly move along the faults, it releases enormous energy in waves that travel up through the earth's crust to cause the shaking we feel up here.

Nanaimo, British Columbia scenic view

It could hit sooner than you think

Most people say we’ll probably get a big earthquake somewhere between ‘never’ and ‘a million years’ but many scientists warn that it could be coming sooner.

The biggest concern is a megathrust earthquake which has a 9+ magnitude on the Richter Scale. According to Earthquakes Canada and scientists at Natural Resources Canada, a megathrust earthquake off the coast of BC will likely happen in the next 200 years and the likelihood of a massively damaging earthquake is between 10-15% in the next 50 years.

In the zone? Then protect your home

Look at Canada’s seismic hazard map to see if you live in a high-risk earthquake area. If so, there’s a 30% chance of an earthquake causing significant damage every 50 years. Moderate areas have a 5-15% chance – and most of BC is in a moderate to high-risk earthquake area. The most at-risk regions of BC are along the west coast.

Aerial view of the Victoria, Canada

What is earthquake coverage and what does it cover?

Many insurance companies offer earthquake coverage as an optional add-on to offer added protection. The premium you pay for earthquake coverage is based on your location, property and the risk of an earthquake. It is also unique from other insurance coverages as the deductible you pay, should you use it, will be a percentage of your coverage limit.

Here’s what it covers as part of BCAA Home Insurance:

  • Damages, loss, living expenses
    For homeowners, BCAA's Earthquake Coverage covers damage and loss to your house, the attached structures,like garages and patios, and detached structures, like sheds and gazebos.

    For condo owners, your earthquake add-on provides coverage for unit repairs that aren’t covered by your strata. It also covers any portion of your strata’s (often expensive) insurance policy deductible that you’re responsible for paying, after an earthquake.

    BCAA’s Home Insurance Earthquake Coverage add-on also provides coverage for damage and loss to your personal property, plus additional living expenses if you can’t live in your home due to damage from an earthquake. It can be added for all policy types – Home, Condo and Renters.
  • After the ’quake
    Earthquakes can cause aftershocks that come in waves. BCAA Earthquake Coverage insures you for aftershock damages over seven subsequent days following the first shake. If your home experiences greater damage in the aftermath of a quake, from something like a fire or an explosion, your BCAA Home Insurance base policy will offer coverage in this event.

    Damage from resulting tsunamis, landslides and other land movement, such as sinkholes, isn’t covered.

How ’quake-proof is your home?

Every home is built differently and each region in BC comes with a different unique and varying risk. Ask yourself, is my home built to withstand an earthquake? The following factors could mean a greater risk of earthquake damage to your home:

  • Old or leaning trees close to the house.
  • Electrical wires and power lines close to the house.
  • A large canopy, porch or garage that isn’t reinforced.
  • Poor soil and earth quality such as deep loose sand, including silty clays, sand and gravel or soft, saturated granular soils.
  • Homes on deteriorating or weak foundations, particularly in poor or disturbed soil.
  • Older homes that were built before stricter building codes to protect against earthquakes were enforced. If you have any concerns, it may be worth getting a professional in to assess your home's structural components and whether they need retrofitting, particularly if it has older wood-framing or unreinforced masonry.
  • Properties positioned close to dykes, reservoirs, water towers or high-risk buildings.

Get protection from earthquakes with BCAA

As a local BC home insurer for over 40 years, BCAA understands the unique needs of owning a home in our beautiful province.

BCAA Home Insurance offers comprehensive earthquake coverage as an optional add-on to provide the elevated protection your home needs in the event of a shake. BCAA Members save 10% on BCAA Home Insurance*, plus you save another 5% in your first year when you buy online. To protect your home, get a quote today.

Need an emergency kit for your home or vehicle, BCAA Members save 20% on F.A.S.T emergency kits.

More info about disaster planning can be found at our BCAA disaster preparedness resources. 

Home Insurance is sold through B.C.A.A. Holdings Ltd. dba BCAA Insurance Agency, a licensed insurance agency, and underwritten by BCAA Insurance Corporation. *BCAA Member savings on insurance products are only available with Basic, Plus, or Premier Membership plans. For full details, please visit