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Is your child’s Halloween costume both spooktacular and safe?

There’s nothing like getting a good ‘scare’ on Halloween—but not when it comes to kids’ safety. Here are costume and road safety tips to make sure your child stands out in the dark and enjoys their time trick or treating.

Make them visible

  • Choose costumes that are light in colour and clearly visible to motorists.
  • Work something bright and reflective into your child’s costume and treat bag such as reflective tape or reflector strips.
  • Have your child carry a flashlight or glow stick.

Hazard-proof their costume

  • Incorporating a non-medical mask into your child's costume can be a great way to protect them, but be sure to skip any Halloween mask or accessories that might slip over children’s eyes and block their visibility. Use face paint instead. Don't forget pre-test makeup to check for any adverse or allergic reactions.
  • Choose a costume that is made of flame retardant material and make sure it fits your child properly and isn't too long that it can cause tripping.
  • Make sure your child wears shoes that fit well as they'll likely be walking up stairs and walking for a long period of time.
  • Costume accessories such as swords and wands should be made of soft, flexible material that will bend if fallen on.

Go over road safety rules

Teach your child to:

  • Never run out onto the street, especially from in between parked cars.
  • Always cross at marked crosswalks and designated intersections.
  • Always look both ways and make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street.

Trick-or-treat safely

  • Keep to your local neighbourhood this year.
  • Avoid trick-or-treating in busy areas or indoors (in places like malls) where there may not be enough space to distance.
  • Make sure your child washes their hands before going out, when they get home, and before eating treats.

When it comes to celebrating Halloween this year, the recommendation is to keep it outside and keep groups small. These helpful tips shared last year by the BC Centre for Disease Control continue to be useful guidelines for trick-or-treating.