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Canada Post is experiencing a labour disruption that will delay your mail. Check your policy renewal dates and make payments at or contact us.

Social Media Disclaimer and Terms of Use

Social media platforms allow people to express their comments and opinions easily. While we encourage engagement on our social media platforms, BCAA reserves the right to remove any posts or comments that it considers inappropriate, counter to our core values or include confidential Member/customer information. 

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Contain violence or harassment
  • Contain hate speech or terrorism
  • Contain profanity or other insults
  • Contain unproven or unsupported accusations against individuals or organizations
  • Impersonates anyone
  • Contain unsolicited advertising or spam
  • Private or confidential BCAA Member/customer information

Just a friendly reminder that all social media platforms are viewable to the public. Please remember to protect your own privacy and the privacy of others. For example, please do not post any personal information, including phone numbers, account numbers, e-mail addresses, or other sensitive personal information.