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5,000 dose milestone for Interior Health and BCAA’s mobile immunization clinics

June 17, 2021 – Interior Health’s mobile immunization clinics have administered over 5,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine throughout the region since their launch last week.

The mobile immunization clinics are a partnership with the British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA), and are travelling through the Interior region, making stops in over 40 communities along the way.

“Our teams of immunizers and support staff have undertaken the most important road trip of the summer by bringing quick and easy access to COVID-19 vaccines to small and rural communities across the region,” said Interior Health president and CEO Susan Brown. “The support from community leaders, local government, chambers of commerce, school districts, farming associations and more has made the mobile immunization clinics successful and made our teams feel welcomed everywhere they go.”

In the coming week, the IH mobile immunization clinics will visit Sorrento, Chase, Cache Creek, Clinton, 100 Mile House, Williams Lake, Grand Forks, Christina Lake, Winlaw, Kaslo, Nelson and Creston.

“Helping British Columbians is the reason BCAA exists, so we are absolutely thrilled to be rolling into towns to facilitate these all-important first shots. Bravo to the thousands of people in these communities who are doing their part to protect British Columbians and increase our vaccine rates. We are grateful to Interior Health and everyone we have visited so far, and we look forward to continuing our journey,” said BCAA president and CEO Eric Hopkins.

No advance appointments are necessary for the mobile clinics. People who live or work in each community can walk-up, register and receive their first COVID-19 vaccine.

Ongoing Appointment-Based Clinics
Residents who are not able to attend the mobile immunization clinics in their community can still receive a vaccine at other times by booking an appointment through the provincial system and visiting a nearby clinic.

To find out more about IH’s mobile immunization clinics and their schedules visit:

For a list of all Interior Health COVID-19 immunization clinics and other resources visit:

To learn about B.C.’s Restart Plan and COVID-19 Immunization Plan, visit: