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BCAA Slow Down Kids Playing sign

School’s Out: New Survey Shows Concern for Injuries Or Worse As Kids Go Out To Play

BCAA provides free “Slow Down, Kids Playing” signs to save lives

June 22, 2021 – with the school year ending and travel restrictions starting to ease, a new BCAA survey reveals that many British Columbians are worried that increased traffic and more kids playing outside could be a recipe for disaster.

In the BCAA survey, conducted by Insights West, 79 percent of British Columbians expect more kids playing in groups near roads and 56 percent are worried about the potential for injuries or worse. Since COVID, British Columbians say that they have witnessed more dangerous play in their neighbourhoods. Specifically, 21 percent have noticed more kids paying less attention to the road, 23 percent have witnessed a child run out without checking for traffic and 13 percent have witnessed or heard about a near miss with a child almost being hit.

Shawn Pettipas, BCAA’s Director of Community Engagement is also concerned and reminds everyone to do their part to keep kids safe, particularly this summer as things return to a semblance of normal.

Pettipas implores drivers to slow down, drive safely and be aware that kids are playing close to home and can dart out from anywhere at any time. “We need to learn to share neighbourhoods again,” he says. “Quieter roads are getting busy again, so now’s the time to remind our children about road safety, and for all of us to drive with greater care. We all have a role to play to prevent injuries or worse.”

Tips for parents include talking to their kids about not playing on or near the road, supervising bike riding and encouraging kids to wear bright clothing and always watch for cars. Go here for more tips.

To help remind drivers of the risk and encourage safer driving in residential areas, BCAA is again offering its popular, free Slow Down Kids Playing reflective lawn signs to British Columbians. New this year, BCAA has partnered with the Block Watch Society of BC to make the signs available through more than 30 coordinators in communities across the province.

“The Block Watch Society of BC is proud to be working together with BCAA in protecting children throughout the province by reminding drivers that being aware in residential neighbourhoods should be their first priority,” says Block Watch President, Regan Borisenko.

To get your sign, email your nearest Block Watch Coordinator or drop into a BCAA Auto Service Centre in Kelowna, South Surrey, Nanaimo or Victoria. To learn more, visit

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About the BCAA Insights West survey
Results based on an online study conducted from May 26 to 30, 2021 among a representative sample of 831 adults in British Columbia. The margin of error for this data —which measures sample variability—is +/- 3.4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. Discrepancies between totals are due to rounding.

About BCAA
About BCAA The most trusted organization in British Columbia by its Members, BCAA serves 1 in 3 B.C. households with industry-leading products including home, car and travel insurance, roadside assistance, Evo Car Share and full automotive services at BCAA’s Auto Service Centres. BCAA has a long history focused on keeping kids safe on the road and at play through community programs such as its School Safety Patrol, Child Passenger Safety and BCAA Play Here. Please visit

For further information or to set up an interview, please contact:

Stephanie Thatcher
BCAA Communication Specialist
      Keiko Jacobs
BCAA Communication Specialist